When you wear colour near your face, the light reflects it upwards; this can cast either flattering tones or dark shadows, depending on the mix of the colour and your skin tone, eye and hair colour.
A colour consultation with Colour Me Beautiful will show you your very best shades and how to wear them.
Here are some of the benefits of having a colour consultation with us:
- Your skin will look radiant and your eyes will appear brighter
- Shopping for clothes becomes easier and you won’t make costly mistakes
- Your wardrobe will be smaller but more co-ordinated, meaning you will be able to create more outfits whilst saving money
- Wearing colours that flatter you can increase confidence and enhance your self-esteem
- Wearing colour is mood-busting and has a positive effect on the people around you
- Our tonal system works on EVERY skin tone unlike the seasonal system, and is a very modern approach to colour analysis, because we show you how to wear colour rather than being prescriptive
Discover your best 42 colours and using your style personality, receive advice on how to curate a co-ordinated wardrobe personal to you
Let’s identify your 30 best colours and show you how to wear colour in a modern & effortless way
Discover your dominant colouring and receive expert tips on selecting your perfect shades with this quick consultation
Had your colours analysed years ago but your colours are now lloing a little 'off'? It could be time for a colour review!
Discover your best 42 colours and using your style personality, receive advice on how to curate a co-ordinated wardrobe personal to you
Let’s identify your 30 best colours and show you how to wear colour in a modern & effortless way
Discover your dominant colouring and receive expert tips on selecting your perfect shades with this quick consultation
Had your colours analysed years ago but your colours are now lloing a little 'off'? It could be time for a colour review!
Discover your dominant colouring and receive expert tips on selecting your perfect shades with this quick consultation
Call the girls and arrange a fun night in for you all as you discouver your 30 best colours how to wear colour in a modern & effortless way