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Patterned trousers – will you or won’t you?

When I was on holiday in Cambodia in February, no self respecting tourist would be seen without their printed trousers. Every tourist, whatever, the nationality was dressed in bright patterned trousers.

My friend Evie, who was on holiday with us bought a pair in navy, with white elephants parading around the legs. They looked great on her and had the advantage of being one of the coolest things to wear (I mean heat wise!) in a humid climate. She wore them on all the trips we did to the temples and villages, our transport modes included, motor bike and jeep trips, plus of course – our favourite the tuk tuk. For anyone who hasn’t been to Cambodia the majority of roads are dust covered with very few tarmac surfaces, so by the end of the week Evie’s elephants had turned red from the colour of the dust. She still loves them though!

Usually what you buy on holiday, often doesn’t translate back to the UK. However, on returning to this country I noticed that they aren’t just a holiday buy any more, no, you can take your pick on the High Street. They come in wide leg, skinny, narrow leg, cut-offs and ankle skimming. Every pattern too – from bold chevrons to python, florals, geometric and a new pattern I hadn’t heard of called digi-print. Thinking about it though, I haven’t seen any with elephants on!

My styling advice on this one would be, they look best on ladies who are tall, or petite and slim. Above all you need to be long in the leg or if short in the leg wear high shoes or a wedge to compensate.

Choose the right fabric for your shape and if your hips are larger than your top half – in other words you are a triangle shape, avoid them at all costs. You don’t want to bring attention to that area.

Being of the short legged variety – alas the printed trouser won’t be in my wardrobe this summer but I will admire my tall, long-legged, friend Evie in hers.

Written by Shan Williams, Personal Stylist.

To find out about a personal shopping experience, just for you, to ensure you buy exactly the right patterned trousers, contact one of our consultants. Click here and just pop in your postcode to find out who is nearest you and send them an email. We are a friendly and knowledgeable team!

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