Baroness Thatcher became Prime Minister just as Colour Me Beautiful was introduced and became the first image consultancy in the world. In 1985 she said “The essence of the well-dressed woman should never be exaggerated. Appearance is the first impression people get of you. And it does matter. It matters tremendously.” We took note.
Margaret Thatcher never failed in her grooming, despite a heavy work schedule. Her dresscode remained feminine, enough though she was often the only woman around. Like HM The Queen, Margaret Thatcher discovered what worked for her, which in her case was the tailored skirt suit, a silk shirt with a bow, a mid-heel pump shoe and that characteristic handbag. None of her clothes were ‘mumsy’, nor dated, nor were they mutton-dressed-as-lamb. She communicated with her clothes too, and we all respected her for it. She was the role model for many women who embarked on what used to be male-only careers. She broke the mold. RIP.